Thursday, February 02, 2006
Bind9 on Ubuntu
apt-get install bind9
For security reasons we want to run BIND chrooted so we have to do the following steps:
/etc/init.d/bind9 stop
Edit the file /etc/default/bind9 so that the daemon will run as the unprivileged user 'bind', chrooted to /var/lib/named. Modify the line: OPTS="-u bind" so that it reads OPTIONS="-u bind -t /var/lib/named":
OPTIONS="-u bind -t /var/lib/named"
Create the necessary directories under /var/lib:
Then move the config directory from /etc to /var/lib/named/etc:
mv /etc/bind /var/lib/named/etc
Create a symlink to the new config directory from the old location (to avoid problems when bind is upgraded in the future):
ln -s /var/lib/named/etc/bind /etc/bind
Make null and random devices, and fix permissions of the directories:
We need to modify the startup script /etc/init.d/sysklogd of sysklogd so that we can still get important messages logged to the system logs. Modify the line: SYSLOGD="-u syslog" so that it reads: SYSLOGD="-u syslog -a /var/lib/named/dev/log":
Restart the logging daemon:
/etc/init.d/sysklogd restart
Start up BIND, and check /var/log/syslog for any errors:
Restart the logging daemon:
/etc/init.d/sysklogd restart
Start up BIND, and check /var/log/syslog for any errors:
/etc/init.d/bind9 start
Source HowToForge
For security reasons we want to run BIND chrooted so we have to do the following steps:
/etc/init.d/bind9 stop
Edit the file /etc/default/bind9 so that the daemon will run as the unprivileged user 'bind', chrooted to /var/lib/named. Modify the line: OPTS="-u bind" so that it reads OPTIONS="-u bind -t /var/lib/named":
OPTIONS="-u bind -t /var/lib/named"
Create the necessary directories under /var/lib:
mkdir -p /var/lib/named/etc
mkdir /var/lib/named/dev
mkdir -p /var/lib/named/var/cache/bind
mkdir -p /var/lib/named/var/run/bind/run
Then move the config directory from /etc to /var/lib/named/etc:
mv /etc/bind /var/lib/named/etc
Create a symlink to the new config directory from the old location (to avoid problems when bind is upgraded in the future):
ln -s /var/lib/named/etc/bind /etc/bind
Make null and random devices, and fix permissions of the directories:
mknod /var/lib/named/dev/null c 1 3
mknod /var/lib/named/dev/random c 1 8
chmod 666 /var/lib/named/dev/null /var/lib/named/dev/random
chown -R bind:bind /var/lib/named/var/*
chown -R bind:bind /var/lib/named/etc/bind
We need to modify the startup script /etc/init.d/sysklogd of sysklogd so that we can still get important messages logged to the system logs. Modify the line: SYSLOGD="-u syslog" so that it reads: SYSLOGD="-u syslog -a /var/lib/named/dev/log":
Restart the logging daemon:
/etc/init.d/sysklogd restart
Start up BIND, and check /var/log/syslog for any errors:
Restart the logging daemon:
/etc/init.d/sysklogd restart
Start up BIND, and check /var/log/syslog for any errors:
/etc/init.d/bind9 start
Source HowToForge