Wednesday, February 22, 2006

SystemImager (sisuite) Boot Loader Problems

I've found that SystemImager doesn't always install the boot loader correctly for Ubuntu systems. After much stuffing around the problem lies with the fact that Ubuntu and many other distros use devfs manage the entries under /dev. So when system imager comes along and chroots itself into the newly installed file system it can't find the devices it needs to install grub or LILO.

The solution is to modified the autoinstall script as such:

## BEGIN mount proc in image for tools like System Configurator ###
#echo "mkdir -p /a/proc || shellout"
#mkdir -p /a/proc || shellout
#echo "mount proc /a/proc -t proc -o defaults || shellout"
#mount proc /a/proc -t proc -o defaults || shellout
#### END mount proc in image for tools like System Configurator ###

Replace it with this:

echo "Doing devfs specific bind stuff..."
mkdir -p /a/proc || shellout
mkdir -p /a/dev || shellout
mount -o bind /dev /a/dev || shellout
mount -o bind /proc /a/proc || shellout
echo "Done doing bind stuff..."

Then in the Unmount filesystem section make it look like this:

echo "umount /a/proc || shellout"
umount /a/proc || shellout

echo "umount /a/dev || shellout"
umount /a/dev || shellout

echo "umount /a/ || shellout"
umount /a/ || shellout

Without clean umounts the autoinstall script fails to complete.

This info came from a post on the sisuite mailing list (link).

Thanks, that's very useful. I've sucesfully used your notes to tweak the install script for an image of Kubuntu 6.06.
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